British standard to determine the resistance to combustion for use in upholstered furniture or seats for non-residential use.
The test fabric is installed with foam simulating an upholstered chair and exposed to different sources of ignition to define the risk category:
Low risk:
– EN1021-1: a lit cigarette is placed, burning without flame, along the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat. The fabric is observed to determine if there is burning or smoldering.
– EN1021-2: the chair joint is tested with a butane gas flame, simulating a lit match and, after removing the flame, the fabric is observed for 2 minutes to determine if there is burning with or without a flame.
– Typical uses: offices, colleges, schools, universities, museums, exhibitions, day centers, …
Medium risk:
– EN1021-1: a lit cigarette is placed, burning without flame, along the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat. The fabric is observed to determine if there is burning or smoldering.
– EN1021-2: the chair gasket is tested with a butane gas flame, simulating a lit match and, after removing the flame, the fabric is observed for 2 minutes to determine if there is burning with or without a flame.
– BS5852 (Crib5): a wooden structure, known as Crib5, is lit (once lit it is 16 times more intense than a match), and placed on the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat.
– Typical uses: hotels, hostels, restaurants, bars, public buildings, public rooms, casinos, hospitals, …
Medium risk::
– EN1021-1: a lit cigarette is placed, burning without flame, along the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat. The fabric is observed to determine if there is burning or smoldering.
– EN1021-2: the chair gasket is tested with a butane gas flame, simulating a lit match and, after removing the flame, the fabric is observed for 2 minutes to determine if there is burning with or without a flame.
– BS5852 (Crib5): a wooden structure, known as Crib5, is lit (once lit it is 16 times more intense than a match), and placed on the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat.
– Typical uses: hotels, hostels, restaurants, bars, public buildings, public rooms, casinos, hospitals, … |
 Estructura de madera Crib5 |
High risk:
– EN1021-1: a lit cigarette is placed, burning without flame, along the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat. The fabric is observed to determine if there is burning or smoldering.
– EN1021-2: the chair joint is tested with a butane gas flame, simulating a lit match and, after removing the flame, the fabric is observed for 2 minutes to determine if there is burning with or without a flame.
– BS5852 (Crib7): a wooden structure, known as Crib5, is lit (once lit it is 16 times more intense than a match), and placed on the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat.
– Typical uses: Facilities for overnight stays in certain hospitals and hostels, offshore facilities, …
Very high risk:
– EN1021-1: a lit cigarette is placed, burning without flame, along the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat. The fabric is observed to determine if there is burning or smoldering.
– EN1021-2: the chair joint is tested with a butane gas flame, simulating a lit match and, after removing the flame, the fabric is observed for 2 minutes to determine if there is burning with or without a flame.
– BS5852 (Crib7): a wooden structure, known as Crib5, is lit (once lit it is 16 times more intense than a match), and placed on the joint of the chair, in contact with the backrest and the seat.
– Additional requirements at the discretion of the specifying entity with requirements for at least high risks.
– Typical uses: Facilities with confinement in psychiatric centers, prison cells, …
Defining the risk category according to the test method
Low risk |
Medium risk |
High risk |
Very high risk |
Requirements |
EN1021-1 (match)
EN1021-2 (cigarette) |
EN1021-1 (match)
EN1021-2 (cigarette)
BS5852 (Crib5) |
EN1021-1 (match)
EN1021-2 (cigarette)
BS5852 (Crib7) |
EN1021-1 (match)
EN1021-2 (cigarette)
BS5852 (Crib7)Additional requirements at the discretion of the specifying entity. |
Typical uses |
Offices, colleges, schools, universities, museums, exhibitions, day centers, … |
Hotels, hostels, restaurants, bars, public buildings, public rooms, casinos, hospitals, … |
Facilities for overnight stays in certain hospitals and hostels, high-rise facilities mar, … |
Facilities with confinement in psychiatric centers, prison cells, … |